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11 refugees and migrants found dead off the coast of Libya in ‘Bloody policies’



European countries are facing criticism for their migration policies after the charity vessel Doctors Without Borders retrieved 11 bodies and rescued over 160 people off the coast of Libya. The aid group criticized the North African country and European nations for failing to provide safe and legal pathways for migrants, leading to tragedies like the one they witnessed. The bodies were recovered following a search operation that lasted more than nine hours, highlighting the dangers faced by people attempting to cross the Mediterranean in search of safety.

It is unclear whether the 11 bodies were victims of a shipwreck, but the lack of response from Libya’s coastguard, financed by the EU, raised concerns about the complicity of European countries in such incidents. Thousands of people use Libya as a departing point to reach Europe, with Italy urging Libya and neighbouring Tunisia to do more to prevent people from embarking on dangerous journeys across the sea. Italy has also cracked down on rescue ships, accusing them of encouraging migration to Europe, a charge that the charities deny.

Italy’s policy of forcing rescue vessels to take rescued individuals to distant ports like Genoa instead of nearby Sicily has been criticized for causing delays in providing assistance. The central Mediterranean route is known as the most dangerous migrant crossing in the world, with over 20,000 deaths and disappearances recorded in the area since 2014. Despite efforts to reduce arrivals, the number of refugees and migrants missing in the Mediterranean in 2023 was over 3,000.

The tragedy off the coast of Libya once again highlights the urgent need for European countries to rethink their migration policies and provide safer alternatives for those seeking refuge and a better life. The failure to address the root causes of migration and provide adequate support to those in need only leads to more deaths and suffering in the Mediterranean. As aid groups like Doctors Without Borders continue their rescue missions, it is essential for governments to work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their background or nationality.

The European Union must take responsibility for the deaths and suffering caused by its policies and provide assistance to those in need of protection. Cooperation between countries in the region is crucial to address the root causes of migration and create safe and legal pathways for those seeking refuge. The tragedy in the Mediterranean serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of failing to act on migration issues and highlights the urgent need for a coordinated and humane response to the ongoing crisis. It is time for European countries to prioritize the protection of human rights and dignity for all individuals, regardless of their migration status.

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