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Advice from Amazon’s CEO to Computer Science Graduates: Embrace Risk, Never Stop Learning, Create Your Own Path



Amazon CEO Andy Jassy recently delivered a commencement speech to University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering graduates. In his speech, Jassy shared insights and advice gleaned from his 30 years of experience. He emphasized the importance of taking risks, being open to new opportunities, and staying committed to learning throughout life. Jassy also stressed the significance of maintaining a positive attitude, working hard, and not letting others dictate one’s self-worth. His message aimed to inspire graduates to embrace the journey ahead with resilience, curiosity, and determination.

Jassy started his speech by acknowledging the significant achievement of graduating from one of the top engineering schools in the world. He highlighted the importance of appreciating the hard work and dedication that led the graduates to this point. He encouraged them to recognize the value of their accomplishment and take pride in their success, even if it may take time to fully realize the magnitude of their achievement.

Reflecting on his own career journey, Jassy shared that he initially aspired to become a famous sportscaster after college. However, he pursued various jobs and industries before finding his passion in technology and business. He reassured graduates that it is okay not to have all the answers right away and that life is a continuous adventure with unexpected twists and turns. Jassy emphasized the importance of being open to new experiences and opportunities, as they may lead to unforeseen paths and passions.

One of the key lessons Jassy wished he had known earlier in life was not to let others define his capabilities. He recalled a childhood experience where a teacher doubted his athletic abilities, but he later went on to excel in sports. Jassy underscored the importance of self-belief and resilience in the face of criticism or judgment from others. He encouraged graduates to take ownership of their narratives and to continue evolving and growing throughout life.

Jassy also highlighted the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. He shared that his biggest regrets stemmed from not taking risks and putting himself out there, rather than from the occasions where he failed. Jassy encouraged graduates to view each opportunity as a chance to learn and grow, acknowledging that setbacks are part of the journey towards achieving one’s goals.

In his speech, Jassy emphasized the value of being a lifelong learner and staying curious and adaptable in a rapidly changing world. He noted that the ability to learn and evolve is crucial for personal and professional growth. Jassy highlighted the importance of self-reflection, continuous improvement, and a willingness to challenge oneself in order to reach one’s full potential.

Finally, Jassy stressed the importance of having a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, and a commitment to excellence. He noted that success often hinges on one’s attitude and willingness to work hard and persevere through challenges. Jassy encouraged graduates to maintain a positive outlook, stay committed to their goals, and embrace the process of continual improvement in their pursuits.


In conclusion, Jassy wished the graduates the best of luck as they embarked on the next chapter of their lives. He urged them to be bold, take risks, and write their own stories with determination and resilience. Jassy’s speech resonated with the graduates, reminding them to embrace uncertainty, seize opportunities, and stay true to themselves as they navigate the journey ahead.

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