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Biden gets frozen at star-studded fundraiser until Obama steps in and pulls him off stage.



President Joe Biden experienced a freeze on stage after delivering remarks at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles. The incident, captured on video, shows Biden pausing and staring out over the crowd before his former boss, Barack Obama, takes him by the arm and guides him off the stage. This moment is the latest in a series of episodes that have raised concerns about Biden’s fitness for office as he seeks re-election. The fundraiser, which raised over $30 million, showcased Biden alongside Obama and late-night host Jimmy Kimmel as they discussed political issues and took jabs at former President Donald Trump.

This freeze comes on the heels of other recent incidents where Biden has appeared to struggle in public settings. At a Juneteenth celebration and during the G7 summit in Italy, videos showed Biden freezing, slurring words, and wandering off, leading to increased scrutiny of his abilities. Critics and some allies of Donald Trump have seized on these moments to question Biden’s fitness for office, particularly given his advanced age. However, the White House dismissed these criticisms, arguing that the videos were taken out of context and misrepresent the president’s actions.

During the fundraiser in Los Angeles, Biden and Obama addressed the crowd, with Biden highlighting the importance of preventing Trump from appointing more Supreme Court justices. He also joked about Trump’s infamous suggestion to inject bleach as a treatment for COVID-19. Obama echoed Biden’s criticisms of Trump’s presidency, emphasizing the importance of upholding certain standards and values. While Obama has publicly supported Biden’s re-election campaign, reports suggest that he has privately expressed concerns about Trump’s political strength and the challenges Biden may face.

The incident at the fundraiser, where Biden froze on stage before being guided off by Obama, has once again brought attention to the issue of Biden’s age and abilities as he seeks another term in office. With polling indicating that voters are concerned about his age, Biden faces ongoing scrutiny and criticism from political opponents. Despite this, Biden continues to campaign and engage with supporters, highlighting his policies and contrasting his vision with that of Trump. The upcoming first debate between Biden and Trump promises to be highly anticipated, with both candidates facing pressure to perform well and demonstrate their fitness for office.

In conclusion, President Joe Biden’s freeze on stage at a fundraiser in Los Angeles, followed by Obama’s intervention, has sparked renewed debate about Biden’s age and fitness for office. As he seeks re-election, Biden faces increasing scrutiny and criticism from political opponents, who highlight moments of seeming confusion or struggle. However, Biden continues to campaign and engage with supporters, emphasizing his policies and contrasting his vision with that of former President Donald Trump. The upcoming debates between Biden and Trump will be crucial moments in the election, with both candidates seeking to demonstrate their readiness to lead the country.

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