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Biden issues dire warnings about possible second Trump term at celebrity-studded fundraiser



President Joe Biden gave a warning about a potential second term for former President Donald Trump during a fundraiser in Los Angeles, framing the 2024 election as a crucial moment in American history. The event, which included former President Barack Obama and raised over $30 million, highlighted concerns about the Supreme Court and the appointment of more conservative justices if Trump is reelected. Biden emphasized the importance of protecting institutions and criticized Trump’s behavior, citing the events of January 6 and Trump’s comments about a potential “bloodbath” if he loses.

The conversation between Biden and Obama, moderated by Jimmy Kimmel, touched on the significance of the Supreme Court and the current imbalance in its composition. Biden expressed concerns about the potential implications of additional conservative justices being appointed under a second Trump term. He emphasized the need to address issues such as the recent ruling overturning Roe v. Wade and Justice Clarence Thomas’s comments about reconsidering other rulings, including on contraception. Biden also reassured the crowd that he would stand up for issues like gay rights during his administration.

The fundraising event aimed to bolster Biden’s financial resources as Trump has been narrowing the fundraising gap. While Biden has maintained a fundraising lead for most of the year, Trump has seen a surge in donations since securing the Republican nomination in March. Obama highlighted the importance of supporting Biden’s agenda and addressing the challenges facing the country, while also criticizing the normalization of unethical behavior and legal issues surrounding Trump.

Celebrities like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Barbra Streisand also participated in the event, showing their support for Biden and his reelection efforts. Biden joked about potential repercussions for those who criticize him on a talk show, referencing the idea of “Delta Force,” but also emphasized the importance of restoring the soul of the country and the need for unity. Obama touched on the significance of core values and basic honesty in shaping the country, while also addressing Trump’s claims about his impact on Black Americans.

Overall, the fundraiser underscored the importance of the upcoming presidential election and the contrast between the two candidates. Biden highlighted the need to protect democratic institutions and uphold values like integrity and honesty, while raising concerns about the future of the Supreme Court under a second Trump term. The event showcased a united front among Democratic supporters and emphasized the stakes of the 2024 election in shaping the direction of the country.

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