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Charcoal company donates 50,000 free barbecues to Americans in food-insecure neighborhoods



The Good Charcoal Company, a sustainable brand based in New York, has made a commitment to giving back to communities in need. Since 2020, CEO Ben Jablonski has been hosting free barbecues in food-insecure areas across the United States. Even before the company was profitable, Jablonski prioritized this initiative as part of the ethos of the company. Throughout the pandemic, the company parked a food truck outside churches, food pantries, and food banks to provide meals to families in need. As of mid-2024, The Good Charcoal Company has served 50,000 meals to individuals across the nation, partnering with various food pantries each week.

The barbecues hosted by The Good Charcoal Company have taken place in numerous states including New York, Alabama, California, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas, Tennessee, Arizona, Michigan, and Louisiana. Each barbecue serves approximately 300 people on average, providing hot meals that make a significant difference compared to canned foods typically available at food pantries. Jablonski emphasized the importance of giving people access to hot meals, with many individuals receiving their first hot meal in weeks. He expressed pride in the impact the company is making through their weekly efforts to provide meals to those in need.

Food insecurity is a significant issue in the United States, and Jablonski believes that if more companies followed The Good Charcoal Company’s example, there could be a substantial reduction in food insecurity nationwide. He highlighted the inspiring work being done by passionate Americans across the country, noting the resilience and optimism of many individuals in various communities. Jablonski shared his belief that the dedication and generosity of people in different regions of the country serve as motivation to continue expanding and enhancing the company’s charitable efforts.

Jablonski’s childhood in Melbourne, Australia, where barbecues were a central part of the culture, inspired the business model for The Good Charcoal Company. The company specializes in producing chemical-free charcoal from acacia wood sourced from Namibia, Africa. The density of the wood allows for the generation of intense heat while using less charcoal. Moreover, the removal of invasive acacia wood in Namibia helps restore grasslands, creating a better source of carbon capture and land for farmers. In 2024, The Good Charcoal Company has already restored 40,000 acres of Namibian grasslands, an area larger than the city of San Francisco.

The commitment to sustainability and community support has been a driving force behind The Good Charcoal Company’s success. With a focus on providing environmentally friendly products and giving back to those in need, the company has seen significant growth. The CEO indicated that revenue projections are on track to reach $10 million in the current year, with plans to expand partnerships and availability at retailers nationwide. The company’s unique approach to blending business success with social responsibility has resonated with consumers, making it a leader in the sustainable charcoal industry.

Overall, The Good Charcoal Company’s mission to pay it forward through hosting free barbecues in food-insecure areas reflects a genuine commitment to making a positive impact on society. By combining business acumen with social responsibility, the company has set a positive example for others in the industry. Looking ahead, The Good Charcoal Company is poised to continue its growth while remaining dedicated to giving back to communities in need and promoting environmental sustainability.

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