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Civilian sailor still missing 2 days after Houthi militants attacked cargo ship in Red Sea



A civilian mariner is missing in the Red Sea after a cargo carrier, the M/V Tutor, was struck by Houthi militants causing severe flooding and damage to the engine room. The crew abandoned ship and was rescued by US and partner forces, including the USS Philippine Sea. The ship is still in the Red Sea and taking on water, drifting from its last reported position. In a separate incident, Houthi militants struck another cargo ship, the M/V Verbena, in the Gulf of Aden, injuring a civilian mariner and causing fires on board. The wounded mariner was evacuated by aircraft from a nearby US warship, and the crew of the M/V Verbena was able to put out the fires and continue on their way.

The ongoing attacks by Iranian-backed Houthi militants threaten regional stability and the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The Houthis have launched numerous missile and drone attacks on ships in the area since October, causing casualties and damage. The US and UK have conducted airstrikes against the Houthis in Yemen to try to degrade their weapons supplies, but the group has shown no signs of stopping their attacks. CENTCOM stated that the United States will continue to work with partners to hold the Houthis accountable and degrade their military capabilities.

The actions of the Houthis not only endanger the lives of mariners but also hinder international commerce and the delivery of aid to Yemen and Gaza. The Houthis claim to be acting on behalf of Palestinians in Gaza, yet their attacks target and threaten the lives of innocent third country nationals who have no involvement in the conflict. The continuous threat posed by the Houthis makes it challenging to provide much-needed assistance to the people of Yemen and Gaza, further exacerbating the humanitarian crises in the region.

The attacks on cargo ships by Houthi militants highlight the volatile situation in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, where maritime traffic is crucial for trade and humanitarian aid delivery. The US and its allies are committed to ensuring the safety and security of maritime routes in the region and will take action to deter and counter any threats posed by groups like the Houthis. The incidents involving the M/V Tutor and M/V Verbena serve as a reminder of the risks faced by mariners operating in these waters and the need for continued vigilance and cooperation to protect them.

CENTCOM’s statement condemning the actions of the Houthis underscores the international community’s concern over the group’s activities and their impact on regional security. The Houthis’ disregard for the safety of civilians and commercial vessels is a blatant violation of international maritime law and an affront to the norms of global shipping. The US and its partners will remain vigilant in monitoring and responding to threats in the region, and will work to prevent further attacks on commercial shipping and maritime infrastructure by groups like the Houthis.

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