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Congressional delegation from both political parties will travel to Israel before Netanyahu’s speech to Congress



Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer is leading a bipartisan congressional delegation to Israel to show support, especially as some Democrats are considering boycotting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. The nine House members in the delegation will meet with Israeli leaders to discuss updates on the war in Gaza, the humanitarian situation, efforts to secure a ceasefire, and the release of hostages held by Hamas. Hoyer emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong US-Israel relationship, particularly during challenging times.

Netanyahu’s upcoming speech in July comes at a time when his relationship with President Joe Biden is strained over Israel’s war plans and humanitarian efforts in Gaza. While Congress has passed bills providing aid to Ukraine and Israel, Democrats remain divided on Israel’s actions against Hamas. There is uncertainty over whether Netanyahu will meet with the White House during his visit, as he has not publicly endorsed Biden’s peace proposal. The US has expressed frustration over Israel’s war tactics and lack of protections for civilians.

Some Democratic lawmakers are considering boycotting Netanyahu’s address, with several publicly stating they will not attend. In the past, tensions between Netanyahu and former President Barack Obama resulted in nearly 60 Democrats skipping a speech by the Israeli prime minister to Congress. Lawmakers like Rep. Ro Khanna, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Rep. Jim Clyburn have already announced their plans to boycott the speech. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, despite having disagreements with Netanyahu, defended his decision to invite the Israeli leader, emphasizing the ironclad relationship between America and Israel.

The delegation’s visit to Israel aims to strengthen the US-Israel relationship, particularly during challenging times. Hoyer and the other House members will meet with Israeli leaders to discuss important issues such as the war in Gaza, humanitarian efforts, ceasefire negotiations, and the release of hostages. The bipartisan group’s goal is to show support for Israel while also addressing concerns over the country’s war tactics and humanitarian efforts.

The strained relationship between Netanyahu and President Biden adds complexity to the upcoming speech by the Israeli prime minister to Congress. Some Democratic lawmakers are considering boycotting the address in protest of Israel’s actions against Hamas and lack of protections for civilians. While there is division within Congress over Israel’s handling of the conflict, leaders like Chuck Schumer have emphasized the importance of maintaining the strong bond between the US and Israel despite disagreements with Netanyahu. Discussions between members of the delegation and Israeli leaders will address these complexities while reinforcing the bipartisan support for Israel.

In conclusion, Rep. Steny Hoyer’s bipartisan congressional delegation to Israel demonstrates a strong commitment to maintaining the US-Israel relationship. As tensions grow over Israel’s war tactics and humanitarian efforts in Gaza, Democrats are divided on whether to attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s upcoming address to Congress. Despite disagreements with Netanyahu, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and other leaders emphasize the enduring bond between America and Israel. The congressional delegation’s discussions with Israeli leaders will address crucial issues such as the war in Gaza, humanitarian efforts, ceasefire negotiations, and hostage releases while working to bolster bipartisan support for Israel.

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