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Fact check: Biden has the record lows for Black unemployment and poverty, not Trump.



Former President Donald Trump recently made claims about his achievements for the African American community during his presidency. In a roundtable discussion at a Black church in Detroit, Trump stated that he had achieved the lowest African American unemployment rate and poverty rate ever recorded. While these claims were true during his presidency, they have since been surpassed by record lows under President Joe Biden’s administration.

It is important to analyze the data to understand the truth behind these claims. The record low for Black unemployment rate, 4.8%, was set under Biden in April 2023, surpassing the previous record low of 5.3% under Trump. Despite a slight uptick to 6.1% as of May 2024, the rate remains low by historical standards and is comparable to the rate under Trump just before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Similarly, the official poverty rate for Black individuals hit a record low of 17.1% under Biden in 2022, while the previous record low of 18.8% was under Trump in 2019. Different measurements of poverty also show that the Biden era holds the record low for Black individual poverty under the Supplemental Poverty Measure, which accounts for various factors such as government benefits and cost of living.

It is evident that while Trump did achieve record lows in Black unemployment and poverty rates during his presidency, these records have since been surpassed under Biden’s administration. The fluctuations in these rates can be attributed to various factors, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and governmental relief initiatives.

Overall, it is essential to critically evaluate political claims and statements to understand the full context and implications. While Trump may have made accurate claims about his achievements for the Black community during his presidency, it is crucial to recognize that these records have been surpassed under Biden’s administration. By analyzing the data and understanding the complexities of economic figures, we can gain a more accurate picture of the progress and challenges faced by the African American community.

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