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Falcons’ Kirk Cousins taking time to relax on his Manitou pontoon boat before the 2024 NFL season



Atlanta Falcons quarterback Kirk Cousins has had a busy offseason, working hard on his Achilles rehab process and adjusting to life with a new team. After completing the team’s offseason workout program, Cousins now has some time off before training camp at the end of July. During this break, Cousins likes to spend his time in Saugatuck, Michigan, where he enjoys the water with his family. He recently added a Manitou pontoon boat to his summer activities, allowing him to relax and recharge before the start of the NFL season.

Growing up in West Michigan, Cousins spent a lot of time on the water in boats and pontoons, making his new boat a welcome addition to his summertime routine. Although he initially viewed pontoons as old-fashioned, Cousins quickly realized that Manitou Pontoon Boats are innovators in the industry, providing both performance and luxury. With features like a state-of-the-art music system and spacious loungers, Cousins is using his boat to relax and prepare for the upcoming football season.

As a husband and father of two boys, Cousins values the time he can spend with his family away from football. Involving his loved ones in his pontoon boat activities has been a highlight for them, allowing them to bond and create lasting memories. Cousins sees the boat as a way to spend quality time with his family and friends, making their time on the water special and meaningful. Additionally, Cousins enjoys being the “cool dad” in the neighborhood with his new boat, inviting friends and family to join him for fun on the water.

For Cousins, having a boat of his own has been a game-changer, providing him with a way to relax and rejuvenate before the grueling football season begins. He appreciates the advanced features of the Manitou pontoon boat, which elevate his experience on the water and make it a truly enjoyable time for himself and his loved ones. As Cousins looks to recharge his batteries and prepare for the upcoming season, his boat has become an essential part of his summer routine, allowing him to unwind and enjoy the time with his family.

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