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Famous Ferrari Critic Jay Leno Reviews the Purosangue



Jay Leno recently expressed his admiration for the new Ferrari Purosangue in a video on his YouTube channel, Jay Leno’s Garage. Owned by California-based Ferrari collector David Lee, this particular Purosangue caught Leno’s attention with its impressive engineering and design. Leno was particularly impressed by the tight tolerances between the brake calipers and wheels, as well as the generous legroom for back-seat passengers. Additionally, he noted the unique forward-opening clamshell hood that reveals the front-mid mounted 6.5-liter V-12 engine that produces 715 horsepower and 528 pound-feet of torque, giving the SUV a top speed of 190 mph.

During his test drive of the Purosangue, Leno remarked on the excellent steering and the unmistakable V-12 Ferrari sound. Despite his positive impressions of the vehicle, Leno admitted that he does not own any SUVs, except for an old Ford Bronco, and does not have any plans to add a Purosangue to his collection. While Lee had selected $150,000 worth of options for his Purosangue, making it a costly vehicle, Leno acknowledged that the Ferrari SUV is more exclusive than other options in the segment, with all current Purosangue orders already booked solid.

Leno’s only reservation about purchasing a Ferrari Purosangue lies in his past experience with the company’s customer service. He has previously criticized Ferrari dealers for their treatment of customers, comparing them to dominatrixes. While Leno clearly appreciates the quality and performance of Ferrari vehicles, he remains hesitant to become a customer of the brand due to his concerns about customer satisfaction. Despite this, Leno’s positive review of the Purosangue showcases his admiration for the vehicle and its impressive capabilities.

In conclusion, Jay Leno’s review of the Ferrari Purosangue highlights the SUV’s innovative design, powerful V-12 engine, and exclusive appeal. While Leno may not be adding a Purosangue to his collection any time soon, his positive feedback on the vehicle’s performance and engineering is a testament to Ferrari’s commitment to excellence. As the Italian automaker continues to expand its lineup with new models like the Purosangue, it is clear that even automotive enthusiasts like Jay Leno are taking notice of Ferrari’s efforts to push the boundaries of luxury and performance in the SUV segment.

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