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Father of 6-year-old New Jersey girl who died in badminton accident shares daughter’s child-like faith



The tragic death of 6-year-old Lucy Morgan from New Jersey after a freak accident involving a badminton racket has touched the hearts of many. Lucy’s father, Jesse Morgan, shared the incredible faith that his daughter possessed, which continues to sustain the family during this dark time. Despite her young age, Lucy had a deep love for Christ and God, which was evident in her thoughts and drawings in her prayer journal. Her child-like faith was a source of beauty and comfort for her family.

Lucy’s prayer journal, which was filled with messages like “God is amazing” and “He died on the cross for our sins,” became a bright reminder for the family during their darkest days. Jesse and his wife prioritized sharing the gospel of salvation with their children, explaining it to them daily in an effort to help them understand and embrace the love of Christ. Witnessing Lucy’s faith has been a profound experience for Jesse, who believes that she had the faith of a mustard seed.

Jesse turned to his blog, New Creation Living, as a way to process his grief and seek support from others. Despite the overwhelming pain and confusion, Jesse shared that the family’s faith in Christ has been a sustaining force. The Morgans faced doubts and struggles but found themselves unable to let go of their faith in God. They found comfort in the support and prayers of thousands of people who were touched by Lucy’s story.

The tragic accident that took Lucy’s life was a devastating blow to the family. A freak accident with a badminton racket resulted in Lucy suffering catastrophic head trauma. Despite being rushed to the hospital and undergoing numerous tests, Lucy could not be saved and was declared brain dead. Jesse shared that he wants people to see the miraculous in the midst of their suffering and to recognize that it is Christ alone who is sustaining them through this tragedy.

In the midst of their grief, the Morgan family continues to hold onto their faith and trust in God. Jesse shared that they were preparing for Lucy’s death in ways that they couldn’t fully comprehend. The family’s strong belief in the love and mercy of God helped them navigate through the pain and sorrow of losing their beloved daughter. Jesse emphasized that he wants people to see God’s hand at work in the midst of their suffering and to witness the miraculous in the face of tragedy.

The story of Lucy Morgan’s tragic accident and untimely death has touched the hearts of many, reminding us of the fragility of life and the power of faith in times of adversity. Despite the pain and loss, the Morgan family continues to cling to their faith in Christ, finding strength and comfort in the midst of their grief. Lucy’s legacy lives on through her unwavering love for God, which continues to inspire others to embrace the hope and grace that sustains us through life’s darkest moments.

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