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Ferrari is removing navigation systems as our phones are superior



Ferrari buyers will no longer have to rely on the built-in navigation system in future models, as the Italian automaker announced plans to remove the feature entirely. Instead, owners will have to bring their own satellite navigation system with them, such as using their smartphones for navigation. Emanuele Carando, Ferrari’s head of product marketing, stated that phone mirroring is the most user-friendly and updated option, making the dedicated system redundant. As most people today already own smartphones, they’ll be able to easily use their preferred navigation system in their Ferraris without having to learn a new one.

Ferrari made this decision based on the fact that their owners don’t typically use their cars as everyday commuters, making it unnecessary for them to have to learn a specific in-car navigation system that they may rarely use. Emanuele Carando also cited the widespread use of smartphones globally, stating that they are the most useful tool that people can use in any car, not just in Ferrari vehicles. By removing the built-in navigation system, Ferrari aims to streamline the user experience for their customers and provide them with the technology that they already have and are comfortable using.

While some automakers have faced backlash for dropping support for popular features like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto in favor of their in-house software, Ferrari seems to be taking a different approach. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto have become essential features in modern vehicles, with customers expecting to have access to them in their cars. By allowing smartphone mirroring in their vehicles, Ferrari is meeting customer expectations and providing them with the technology that they desire.

The decision to remove the built-in navigation system in favor of smartphone mirroring reflects a shift in the automotive industry towards integrating popular smartphone features into vehicles. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto have become standard features in many new cars, with customers prioritizing seamless integration with their smartphones. Ferrari’s decision to embrace smartphone mirroring shows their commitment to providing a user-friendly and up-to-date technology experience for their customers.

The decision to remove the built-in navigation system may be seen as a bold move by some, but it is likely to be well-received by Ferrari owners who already rely on their smartphones for navigation. With smartphone mirroring becoming increasingly prevalent in the automotive industry, Ferrari is moving in line with current trends and customer preferences. By adopting this approach, Ferrari is demonstrating their commitment to providing a modern and seamless technology experience for their customers.

In conclusion, Ferrari’s decision to remove the built-in navigation system in future models in favor of smartphone mirroring reflects a broader trend in the automotive industry towards integrating popular smartphone features. By allowing owners to use their smartphones for navigation, Ferrari is meeting customer expectations and providing a user-friendly and up-to-date technology experience. This move is likely to be well-received by Ferrari owners who already rely on their smartphones for navigation and reflects the company’s commitment to embracing current trends in technology integration within vehicles.

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