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Francesco Molinari barely makes the cut at US Open with hole-in-one on final hole of second round



Francesco Molinari, the winner of the 2018 Open Championship, has struggled in majors since his victory but managed to save his weekend at the U.S. Open with a miraculous hole-in-one. Molinari had missed the cut in eight of his last 11 majors, including the last five, leading into this weekend’s tournament. However, on Friday, he found himself two shots back from the cut line and 5-over after his 18th hole. With the odds stacked against him, he hit a perfect shot that rolled into the cup for a hole-in-one, moving him to 5-over and securing his spot for the weekend.

The unexpected ace on the par-3 ninth was a game-changer for Molinari, who was in danger of missing yet another major cut. The miraculous shot was witnessed by his playing partners, Sergio Garcia and Ryo Ishikawa, who congratulated him on the incredible feat. This was Molinari’s first major weekend since the 2022 Open Championship, where he finished tied for 15th. Despite his struggles in recent years, the Italian golfer will have a memorable story to tell about his experience at the U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2.

After his win at Carnoustie six years ago, Molinari seemed to be on the rise in the golf world. However, a collapse at the 2019 Masters and inconsistent performances in majors since then have hindered his success. With only four finishes inside the top 50 in his last 16 majors, Molinari has not lived up to the expectations set after his major victory. Nonetheless, his hole-in-one at the U.S. Open was a moment of redemption and provided him with a much-needed boost in confidence.

The unexpected turn of events at the U.S. Open could mark a turning point for Molinari’s career, as he looks to regain his form and competitiveness in majors. The Italian golfer’s resilience and determination were on full display as he faced the possibility of missing yet another cut. The hole-in-one not only secured his weekend at the tournament but also gave him a renewed sense of hope and motivation moving forward. Fans and fellow players alike were impressed by Molinari’s incredible shot and the impact it had on his performance.

Despite the challenges he has faced in recent major tournaments, Molinari’s hole-in-one at the U.S. Open serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of golf and the potential for unexpected moments of brilliance. The sport has a way of surprising even the most seasoned players, and Molinari’s shot was a testament to that. As he continues to navigate the highs and lows of professional golf, Molinari will look to build on this momentum and work towards achieving the level of success he once enjoyed after his Open Championship victory.

In conclusion, Francesco Molinari’s miraculous hole-in-one at the U.S. Open was a defining moment in his career and a reminder of the resilience and unpredictability of golf. The Italian golfer’s struggles in majors in recent years have been well-documented, but his incredible shot at Pinehurst No. 2 provided him with a much-needed boost and secured his spot for the weekend. As Molinari looks towards the future, he will draw inspiration from this unforgettable moment and strive to reclaim his status as a competitive force in the world of professional golf.

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