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History of the Stone Pony Music Venue Explored in New Book



The Stone Pony is a legendary music venue located in Asbury Park, New Jersey. It has a rich history and has been an iconic location in the music industry for decades. Nick Corasaniti, the author of “I Don’t Want to Go Home: The Oral History of the Stone Pony”, has written a new book that details the venue’s history and the stories of the musicians who have graced its stage.

In a recent interview with CBS New York, Corasaniti discussed his new book and shared some insights into the Stone Pony’s past. The book is based on oral histories from musicians, staff members, and fans who have been a part of the venue’s history. It offers a unique perspective on the music scene in Asbury Park and the impact the Stone Pony has had on the community.

The Stone Pony has a long and storied history, dating back to its opening in the 1970s. It has hosted countless famous acts over the years, including Bruce Springsteen, Southside Johnny, and Jon Bon Jovi. The venue has become known for its intimate atmosphere and its ability to showcase up-and-coming talent.

Corasaniti’s book sheds light on the behind-the-scenes stories of the Stone Pony, offering a glimpse into what life was like for the musicians and staff who worked there. It also explores the cultural significance of the venue and its role in shaping the music scene in Asbury Park.

The Stone Pony has a special place in the hearts of music lovers everywhere, and Corasaniti’s book is sure to be a must-read for anyone who has ever set foot inside the venue. It celebrates the rich history of the Stone Pony and the impact it has had on the music industry over the years.

Overall, “I Don’t Want to Go Home: The Oral History of the Stone Pony” is a fascinating look at a beloved music venue and the stories of the people who have been a part of its history. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the Stone Pony or just interested in learning more about its storied past, Corasaniti’s book is sure to be a captivating read.

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