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Israeli group sanctioned by US for attacking Gaza aid convoys



The United States has imposed sanctions on an Israeli group, Tzav 9, for blocking and damaging humanitarian aid convoys to Gaza. The group’s actions have exacerbated the risk of famine in the besieged Palestinian territory. The Biden administration targeted Tzav 9, accusing them of looting and setting aid trucks on fire. The Department of State emphasized the importance of providing humanitarian assistance to prevent the worsening of the crisis in Gaza and mitigate the risk of famine. The US government called on Israel to ensure the safety and security of humanitarian convoys passing through Israel and the West Bank on their way to Gaza.

The sanctions were announced following reports that far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had pressured law enforcement to prevent aid shipments from reaching Gaza. Right-wing Israelis have been protesting and blocking roads to stop aid from reaching Gaza, further hindering the flow of much-needed assistance to the territory. Recent attacks on aid convoys, particularly in the occupied West Bank, have intensified, with two aid trucks being set on fire in the Hebron Hills area last month, an incident attributed to Tzav 9 by the US State Department.

The sanctions imposed on Tzav 9 block the group’s assets in the US and restrict American citizens from conducting transactions with them. These measures were taken under an executive order issued by President Biden that allows for penalties against individuals and entities undermining peace, security, and stability in the occupied West Bank. While the Biden administration has sanctioned Palestinian armed group Lion’s Den under the same order, it has resisted calls to penalize Israeli officials responsible for abuses against Palestinians, such as Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

Advocacy organization Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), which recommended sanctioning Tzav 9, commended the measures taken by the Biden administration and called for further action against entities and individuals supporting the group. DAWN highlighted recent revelations indicating that Israeli Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had instructed police to allow Tzav 9 to block aid convoys, demonstrating a coordinated strategy of starvation from settler activists to the highest levels of the Israeli government. Rights advocates have urged Washington to pressure Israel to lift its blockade on Gaza, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledged that while Israel has taken steps to remove obstacles to aid deliveries in Gaza, more needs to be done to expedite aid inspections, clarify lists of prohibited goods, and protect humanitarian workers.

In conclusion, the sanctions imposed on Tzav 9 by the US government for blocking humanitarian aid shipments to Gaza demonstrate a commitment to preventing the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. The actions of the Israeli group, as well as the reported involvement of Israeli officials in obstructing aid efforts, have drawn international condemnation. Advocacy organizations and rights advocates are calling for continued pressure on Israel to lift its siege on Gaza, while also urging the Biden administration to hold accountable those responsible for impeding humanitarian assistance. As the risk of famine in Gaza increases, it is essential for the international community to work together to ensure the timely and safe delivery of aid to those in need.

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