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Kevin Costner is Considering Making a Finale Appearance on ‘Yellowstone’



Kevin Costner’s potential return to Paramount Network’s hit series Yellowstone has been a hot topic among fans and insiders alike. While there was initial speculation about his departure due to conflicts with showrunner Taylor Sheridan and his busy schedule with the upcoming film Horizon, it seems that Costner may be open to reprising his role as John Dutton after all.

According to a source who spoke exclusively with Us Weekly, Costner is willing to come back to Yellowstone if he likes the script and can agree on the terms. The source revealed that there is currently significant conflict, but things could change and Costner could potentially appear in the final episodes of the series.

Costner himself hinted at a possible return during a recent interview with CBS Sunday Mornings, stating that if he liked the story and where it was going, he would be open to coming back. This contradicted previous rumors about his alleged tension with Sheridan and the reasons behind his exit from the show.

The insider also mentioned that Costner could appear in either a present-day or flashback scene depending on his approval of Sheridan’s script. Filming for the finale has already started, but the scripts are still being revised, leaving room for the potential inclusion of Costner in the scenes.

Despite the initial difficulties in bringing Costner back, the source revealed that show producers have acknowledged the void that his absence has left in the story and are working on a way to possibly reintroduce his character to achieve some resolution in the series.

Costner’s previous denials about his Yellowstone exit being the result of a feud with Sheridan or scheduling conflicts with Horizon seem to contradict the insider’s revelations. However, with Costner’s potential return still up in the air, fans will have to wait and see how the story unfolds in the final episodes of Yellowstone.

In conclusion, Kevin Costner’s possible return to Yellowstone has sparked speculation and excitement among fans of the hit series. With conflicting reports about the reasons behind his exit and his potential comeback, all eyes are on the final episodes to see if John Dutton will make a triumphant return to the ranch. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story as filming for the finale continues and scripts are finalized.

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