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Organizations Call on FEMA to designate extreme heat and wildfire smoke as a ‘major disaster’



During extreme heatwaves and wildfires, states often face significant challenges in responding to the impacts of these disasters. The coalition of environmental, labor, and healthcare groups is calling on FEMA to classify extreme heat and wildfire smoke as “major disasters” in order to unlock federal funding to help states during these weather events. By designating these events as major disasters, states would be able to access additional resources to support their response and recovery efforts.

The petition, filed by dozens of groups across various states, highlights the urgent need for federal assistance in the face of increasing extreme weather events. With climate change driving more frequent and severe heatwaves and wildfires, the resources available to states are often insufficient to address the scale of the challenges they face. By classifying extreme heat and wildfire smoke as major disasters, FEMA can provide states with the financial support needed to protect their residents and communities.

In recent years, heatwaves and wildfires have caused widespread devastation across the country, leading to loss of life, property damage, and health impacts. The coalition of groups is urging FEMA to recognize the severity of these events and provide states with the necessary resources to mitigate their impacts. By classifying extreme heat and wildfire smoke as major disasters, FEMA can ensure that states have the funding and support they need to respond effectively and protect their residents.

In addition to the immediate impacts of extreme heat and wildfire smoke, there are also long-term health and economic consequences associated with these events. By designating these events as major disasters, FEMA can help states not only respond to the immediate crisis but also address the ongoing challenges that arise in the aftermath. This can include supporting healthcare systems, assisting affected communities, and implementing measures to prevent future disasters.

The coalition’s petition is a critical step towards ensuring that states have the resources they need to respond to the increasing threats posed by extreme heatwaves and wildfires. By mobilizing support from a wide range of groups, including environmental, labor, and healthcare organizations, the petition highlights the urgent need for federal action to address the impacts of climate change. With extreme weather events becoming more frequent and severe, it is essential that FEMA take proactive measures to support states and protect their residents.

In conclusion, the coalition’s call for FEMA to classify extreme heat and wildfire smoke as major disasters is a necessary step towards addressing the impacts of climate change on communities across the country. By providing states with the financial resources and support they need, FEMA can help ensure that they are better equipped to respond to and recover from the increasing threats posed by extreme weather events. It is crucial that federal agencies take decisive action to assist states in protecting their residents and communities in the face of climate change.

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