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Police say Manhattan synagogue vandalized in latest antisemitic incident in NYC this week.



Over the past week, New York City has seen an escalation of antisemitic incidents, with the latest occurring at a Manhattan synagogue. The Park Avenue Synagogue on the Upper East Side was defaced, with the word “Palestine” scrawled under the word “Israel” on a sign outside the building. Police are investigating the incident, and the synagogue has assured congregants that the building is secure. The rabbi addressed the vandalism during Friday night Shabbat services, expressing shock and distress at the situation.

The NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is actively investigating the incident at the Park Avenue Synagogue. This vandalism comes less than a month after the Second Gentleman visited the synagogue to discuss steps being taken to combat the rise in antisemitism. Congregants of the synagogue have expressed sadness and fear over the incident, with one stating that it breaks their heart to see such hate directed towards a place that promotes justice and unity. There is a sense of confusion among people regarding the situation in Israel and antisemitism, with some drawing connections between the two issues.

In addition to the incident at the Park Avenue Synagogue, there have been multiple other antisemitic incidents under investigation across New York City. On Wednesday, vandals targeted the homes of Jewish board members of the Brooklyn Museum, using red paint and symbols associated with Hamas terrorists. Protesters also gathered outside the Nova Music Festival exhibit in Lower Manhattan, praising terrorist groups and causing distress among the Jewish community. These events have left many feeling scared and worried about the rising tide of antisemitism in the city.

The recent antisemitic incidents in New York City have sparked concerns and fears among the Jewish community. The rise in hate crimes targeting Jewish individuals and institutions is alarming, and law enforcement agencies are actively investigating these incidents. It is crucial for everyone to stand united against antisemitism and other forms of hate, to ensure that all people can live in peace and harmony. By speaking out against hate and supporting one another, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

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