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Sudanese army successfully defends el-Fasher against major attack, eliminates RSF commander



The ongoing conflict in Sudan between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has resulted in the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, with an estimated 756,000 people facing ‘catastrophic food shortages’. The RSF recently launched a major attack on the city of el-Fasher in North Darfur, which was thwarted by the SAF, resulting in significant losses for the militia. The violence has already claimed the lives of at least 14,000 people and displaced over 10 million others. There are fears of ethnic cleansing if RSF captures el-Fasher, the last stronghold in the Darfur region.

Many Sudanese have joined the SAF to fight against the RSF, motivated by the atrocities committed by the militia, including displacement, looting, and rape of civilians. The RSF’s repeated attacks in North Darfur have led to the displacement of over 130,000 people and the destruction of numerous villages. Former RSF officer Abu-Alqassim Mohammed expressed his disillusionment with the militia’s actions and joined the SAF to defend the government and the country. The battle for el-Fasher has become a focal point of the conflict, with hundreds of casualties reported and humanitarian aid at risk.

The United Nations Security Council has called for an immediate ceasefire, unhindered humanitarian access, and compliance with an arms embargo in Sudan. The United States has announced $315 million in emergency aid for Sudan, warning of a potential famine of historic proportions. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the UN, emphasized the severity of the crisis, with mortality projections estimating over 2.5 million deaths by the end of September. The situation is expected to worsen as the rainy season approaches, posing a significant threat to the population.

The international community must address the crisis in Sudan urgently and provide support to those affected by the conflict. The violent actions of the RSF have led to widespread devastation and loss of life, requiring immediate intervention to prevent further suffering. The safety and well-being of civilians in Sudan must be prioritized, with efforts focused on delivering humanitarian aid, ensuring access to essential services, and facilitating peace negotiations. The world must unite in condemning the violence in Sudan and working towards a lasting peace to prevent further bloodshed and displacement. Only through concerted global action can the crisis in Sudan be effectively addressed and the humanitarian needs of the population met.

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