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Trump urges voters to write ‘no tax on tips’ on restaurant receipts



Former President Trump recently proposed eliminating taxes on tips for restaurant workers, hospitality workers, and anyone else who receives tips. In a speech at an event celebrating his 78th birthday in West Palm Beach, Trump encouraged his supporters to spread the word by writing “vote for Trump” on restaurant receipts every time they leave a tip for the next five months. He first mentioned the idea at a rally in Las Vegas and reiterated it at the Turning Point Action convention in Michigan, where he emphasized that his plan would benefit those who rely on tips for their income.

The proposal has already gained traction, with musician Kid Rock and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene showing support by sharing photos of their receipts with large tips and messages in favor of Trump’s plan. Kid Rock left a $400 tip at Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse and wrote on the receipt, “A vote for Trump is a vote for no tax on tips!” Greene also left a generous tip of $120 and wrote, “Vote Trump! No tax on tips!!” Trump highlighted that restaurant workers, hotel workers, and caddies would benefit the most from this proposal, emphasizing that they deserve to keep their hard-earned tips without being taxed on them.

During his speech, Trump emphasized the immediate impact of this plan, stating that once implemented, there would be no taxes on tips for those in the service industry. He argued that individuals who do a good job and earn tips should not have to pay taxes on that income, reinforcing his commitment to enacting this change quickly once he is back in office. By rallying his supporters to spread the word and actively support his proposal, Trump hopes to garner more public support for his plan to eliminate taxes on tips and provide financial relief to those who rely on gratuities as part of their income.

The idea of eliminating taxes on tips has resonated with many individuals who work in the service industry and rely on tips to supplement their earnings. With Kid Rock and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene lending their support and spreading awareness of the proposal, it is gaining momentum among those who believe in the benefits it could bring to workers in the hospitality sector. By highlighting the positive impact this change could have on individuals who work hard to provide exceptional service, Trump is aiming to garner more support for his plan and ultimately see it come to fruition.

Overall, Trump’s proposal to eliminate taxes on tips for restaurant workers and hospitality workers has generated enthusiasm and support from his followers. By encouraging his supporters to actively promote the idea by writing on receipts and spreading the word, Trump is leveraging grassroots efforts to build momentum for his plan. With high-profile figures like Kid Rock and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene already showing their support, Trump’s proposal is gaining visibility and could potentially bring financial relief to those in the service industry who rely on tips for their livelihood.

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