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United States identifies Nordic neo-Nazi group as terrorists



The US State Department has designated the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) as a terrorist organization along with three of its top officials. This marks the second time in history that a White supremacist group and its leaders have been designated as terrorists by the US government. The NRM, a transnational neo-Nazi organization founded in Sweden in 1997, has branches in Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland. The group was banned in Finland in 2020 due to its violent activities and extremist ideologies.

The Biden administration made the designation of NRM as a terrorist organization, marking the first time under this administration that a White supremacist group has been designated in this way. The State Department cited NRM’s acts of terrorism that pose a significant risk to US nationals and national security as the reason for the designation. The group has a history of violent attacks against political opponents, protestors, journalists, and others, as well as collecting weapons and conducting training in violent tactics.

US officials have warned about the continued threat posed by White supremacist terror groups at home and abroad. The 2024 Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community highlighted the racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVE) movements, particularly those motivated by white supremacy, as a significant threat. The State Department’s designation of NRM is part of a broader effort to address the transnational dimensions of the threat posed by RMVE actors and demonstrates the Biden administration’s commitment to countering domestic terrorism.

The State Department’s designations of NRM and its leaders as terrorists will prevent members from accessing the US financial system, making it more difficult for them to fund their activities. This move is aimed at disrupting the group’s ability to move money internationally and carry out its extremist goals. The government has emphasized the importance of addressing the transnational linkages between RMVE actors, as they increasingly use online platforms to recruit, radicalize individuals, and share tactical training materials.

The Trump administration previously designated the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) as a terrorist organization in 2020. The State Department’s actions against NRM and its leaders reflect a continuation of efforts to combat domestic terrorism, especially those motivated by white supremacy. US officials have highlighted the increasing sophistication of RMVE actors in exploiting social media platforms, online gaming platforms, and encrypted chat applications to recruit followers, plan attacks, and disseminate radicalizing materials.

In conclusion, the designation of the Nordic Resistance Movement and its leaders as terrorists by the US State Department underscores the ongoing threat posed by White supremacist groups both domestically and internationally. The government’s actions reflect a commitment to countering violent extremism and disrupting the activities of extremist organizations. By denying NRM members access to the US financial system, the government aims to impede the group’s ability to fund its violent activities and further its extremist goals. The designations also serve as a warning to other transnational RMVE actors that the US will take action to address the threats posed by these extremist groups.

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