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US vice presidential candidates: A comprehensive guide



The role of the vice president in the United States is largely defined by the constitution, with limited official responsibilities such as taking over for the president in case of their absence. However, vice presidents often play a crucial role as presidential advisers, with the expectation of being the last person in the room before major decisions are made. They also act as liaisons to Congress, help negotiate on legislative matters, and have a role in foreign policy.

Historically, the level of influence and power of vice presidents has varied depending on the individual president. Some vice presidents, like Dick Cheney, have held significant power and influence, while others, like Mike Pence, had a low profile. The president ultimately shapes the role of the vice president, determining whether they are used as assets for advising on important matters or pushed to the side. Vice presidents’ own experience and relationships also play a role in determining their level of influence.

VP candidates are chosen by presidential nominees after the presidential nominee is determined. Candidates typically start with a long list of potential running mates and go through rounds of interviews and background checks to narrow it down. The vetting process is extensive, with candidates required to provide tax records, medical records, and undergo interviews with people who have worked with them or their family members.

Presidential candidates look for various qualities in their running mates, including public speaking skills, the ability to advance the campaign’s message, and being able to effectively rebuke opponents. They also consider factors such as race, age, gender, and experience to help with ticket-balancing and broaden the appeal of the campaign. Beyond electoral politics, candidates also look for a capable governing partner who can help with governing once in office.

While VP nominees do not make or break campaigns, they can influence how people see the presidential candidates’ judgment, their ability to make responsible decisions, and their leadership skills. In the upcoming presidential election, former President Donald Trump is expected to announce his VP pick during or shortly before the Republican National Convention next month. Trump’s VP pick will likely be someone who is loyal to him above all other things, including the constitution, and may appeal to different subsets of voters.

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