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Voters pick up baton in EU’s marathon elections Volikov skúsa vidlicu na maratóne volieb EÚ Gli elettori prendono il testimone nelle maratonelezione dell’UE



People across multiple European countries are participating in the ongoing European Parliament elections, with the final and largest stage of voting set to take place on Sunday. On Saturday, voters in Slovakia and Italy are heading to polling stations to elect their representatives in the European Parliament. In Slovakia, the elections are taking place amidst an assassination attempt on populist Prime Minister Robert Fico, with voters choosing between representatives of Fico’s Smer party and the main opposition Progressive Slovakia. Fico, who opposes support for Ukraine against Russian invasion and EU sanctions on Russia, released a video before the pre-election silence period started, stating that he was attacked due to his differing views from the European mainstream.

Meanwhile, in Italy, voters will be casting their ballots over two days to fill 76 European parliamentary seats, potentially influencing the future direction of the country. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her far-right Brothers of Italy party are expected to be the big winners, with a potential impact on the leadership of the European Commission. The far-right in Italy is being driven by anti-immigration policies and the war in Ukraine, with parties polarized on the issue of supporting Ukraine. While the majority of the European Parliament might not shift to the right, far-right parties are gaining more votes in the elections.

In addition to Slovakia and Italy, voters in Latvia, Malta, and the Czech Republic are also participating in the elections on Saturday. The final results for the 720-seat European Parliament are not expected until Sunday night when every member country has voted. The largest stage of voting will take place on Sunday, with citizens in 20 of the 27 EU member bloc countries, including Germany, France, and Poland, heading to the polls. Seats in the European Parliament are allocated based on population, with nearly 370 million eligible voters having the power to send representatives to the EU institution that can block legislation.

Overall, the European Parliament elections have seen a mix of political developments across various countries, with far-right parties making gains in some regions driven by issues such as anti-immigration policies and the conflict in Ukraine. The results of the elections will shape the future direction of the European Parliament and the European Union as a whole, with potential implications for key leadership positions within the EU. As voters continue to cast their ballots in the remaining stages of voting, it remains to be seen how the political landscape in Europe will evolve following the elections.

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