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Jennifer Aniston’s Heartwarming Tribute Brings Courteney Cox to Tears on Her 60th Birthday



Actresses Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox, known for their roles in the popular TV show Friends, have maintained a close friendship over the years. Aniston recently celebrated Cox’s 60th birthday with a heartfelt tribute on Instagram. She described Cox as “funny like no other” and praised her for being “STUNNING on the inside and out.” Aniston shared a series of photos of the two actresses throughout the years and expressed her love for Cox in the emotional post.

The post drew further celebrations from other actors and comedians who praised Cox. Whitney Cummings called her the “angel of all angels,” while Amy Sedaris shared a series of red heart emojis. Aniston and Cox’s friendship has endured since the end of Friends in 2004, with the two actresses remaining in constant contact. An insider revealed that they are always in touch and consider each other family forever.

In a recent interview, Aniston confirmed that she still talks to Cox and the other Friends cast members regularly. She mentioned that she had a lengthy FaceTime conversation with Cox, as well as Lisa Kudrow and the other male cast members. Cox also revealed that she frequently speaks with Matthew Perry, who passed away in October of last year. She expressed that she feels his presence guiding her through life and believes that he is still around in spirit.

Cox responded to Aniston’s birthday tribute with tears of joy, acknowledging it as one of the sweetest things she had ever read. She reciprocated Aniston’s love and expressed her deep affection for her long-time friend. Aniston’s post included a message highlighting Cox’s unique qualities, such as her independence, loyalty, and attention to detail. The actresses have shared a strong bond since their time on Friends and continue to support each other in both personal and professional endeavors.

Aniston’s touching words about Cox captured the essence of their enduring friendship, which has stood the test of time since they first met on the set of Friends. The two actresses have supported each other through various challenges and milestones in their lives, forming a deep connection that goes beyond their on-screen portrayals. As they celebrate Cox’s milestone birthday, their fans and fellow celebrities join in expressing their admiration for their friendship and the bond they share. Aniston and Cox’s relationship serves as an example of the lasting impact of friendship and the importance of supporting one another through life’s ups and downs.

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