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The Spanish Island of Ibiza threatens to close to tourists due to overcrowding



Binibeca Vell, a picturesque coastal village on the island of Menorca, is facing challenges with the influx of tourists. With more than 800,000 visitors per year, residents are dealing with issues such as noise disruption, intrusive behavior, and litter on the streets. The local homeowners’ association has imposed new visitor regulations to address these concerns, including implementing visiting hours between 11am and 8pm and asking tourists to refrain from entering homes and climbing balconies.

The organization representing Binibeca Vell’s 195 homeowners has taken matters into their own hands after authorities failed to regulate tourist behavior. Residents have reported incidents of tourists entering homes, stealing belongings, and engaging in disruptive behavior. If the situation does not improve, the village threatens to close entirely to tourists. The homeowners’ association will vote in August on the definitive closure of the complex if officials continue to ignore the situation.

Binibeca Vell is described as a “private property condominium” on its website, indicating that it is primarily a residential development. Despite being a popular tourist attraction in Menorca, residents feel that they are not benefiting from the influx of visitors promoted by the administration and tourism companies. The Council of Menorca and Sant Lluís Town Council provide funding for the maintenance of houses in the village, but residents are concerned about the impact of tourism on their quality of life.

With its low-whitewashed buildings, narrow stone alleyways, and labyrinthine staircases, Binibeca Vell is often compared to the Greek hotspot, Mykonos. However, the village faces similar challenges with out-of-control visitor numbers. The local house owners’ association is taking steps to address the negative impact of tourism on residents’ well-being by implementing new visitor regulations. Visitors are expected to respect the visiting hours and guidelines set by the homeowners’ association to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Residents of Binibeca Vell have reported incidents of tourists engaging in disruptive behavior, such as entering homes, stealing belongings, and climbing balconies. Concerned about the impact of tourism on their quality of life, the homeowners’ association has imposed visiting hours and guidelines to address these issues. If the disruptive behavior continues, the village may consider closing entirely to tourists, highlighting the growing tension between residents and visitors in popular tourist destinations.

In conclusion, Binibeca Vell is facing challenges with managing the influx of tourists and ensuring the well-being of residents. The local homeowners’ association has implemented new visitor regulations, including visiting hours and guidelines to address disruptive behavior. Residents are concerned about the impact of tourism on their quality of life and are considering closing the village to tourists if the situation does not improve. It is essential for visitors to respect the rules set by the homeowners’ association to ensure a harmonious coexistence between tourists and residents in Binibeca Vell.

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