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Trump receives loud boos at Libertarian convention after he asks audience to nominate him or vote for him



Former President Donald Trump received a loud chorus of boos at the Libertarian Party’s national convention, where he made a plea for their support. Despite some of his supporters chanting “We want Trump,” the audience overwhelmingly expressed their disapproval. Trump urged attendees to nominate or vote for him, stating that he could help them defeat what he described as the worst president in history. However, he was met with a hostile reception as he left the stage after a brief 34-minute speech. The Libertarian Party is expected to select its presidential nominee the following day.

The Libertarian convention was marked by clashes between Trump supporters and Libertarian delegates, with some attendees being escorted out of the venue. The chair of the Libertarian Party urged Trump supporters to make room for the delegates and emphasized the importance of persuading undecided voters. Secret Service agents confiscated rubber chickens distributed by a super PAC aligned with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign, highlighting the tension in the room. Despite efforts to maintain decorum, confrontations ensued, with one critic of Trump being forced to leave after throwing a punch at a supporter.

While Trump’s speech elicited little applause, one of the few moments of positive reception came when he pledged to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of Silk Road. Trump also promised to include Libertarians in his Cabinet and appoint them to senior positions in his administration if re-elected. The Trump campaign acknowledged the unfriendly reception they expected at the convention, emphasizing their strategy to compete for nontraditional votes and unite the country. Despite criticisms from Biden’s campaign labeling Trump as “anti-freedom,” the former president’s presence at the convention was seen as an attempt to reach out to a broader audience.

Libertarian presidential candidates expressed differing opinions on Trump’s appearance at the convention. While some disapproved of inviting Trump, others saw it as an opportunity to move the needle toward liberty by securing a commitment to release Ulbricht from prison. However, these gestures were unlikely to sway most Libertarians in attendance, who remained steadfast in their principles and unwilling to support Trump. Delegates emphasized that Trump’s promise to commute Ulbricht’s sentence would not influence their vote in the upcoming election. Despite the controversy surrounding Trump’s speech, the Libertarian Party remains committed to their values and principles.

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