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Police are searching for a young woman in black with tattoos after a 12-year-old boy was attacked in an attempted robbery on his way home from school.



A 12-year-old boy was brutally attacked on his way home from school in an attempted robbery by two female assailants. The boy was pushed to the floor in an alleyway in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire after he refused to hand over his mobile phone and school bag. The attackers hit, punched, and kicked the child, but nothing was stolen from him, and he only suffered minor injuries. The police are now searching for a young woman dressed in black with tattoos who was involved in the incident.

The young woman in question is described as wearing a black mini dress with an opening across her midriff and black converses. She also has a distinctive black leg tattoo that makes her easily recognizable. Cambridgeshire Police have released a CCTV image of the woman and are asking the public to come forward with any information that might lead to her arrest. The incident took place at 3.25 pm in an industrial area of Peterborough, and the victim was walking home along an alleyway when he was attacked by the two women.

The police have issued a statement urging anyone who recognizes the woman in the CCTV image to report it through the force website using the reference provided. They are also encouraging those without internet access to call 101 and provide any information they have. The young boy was fortunate to escape with only minor injuries despite the brutal attack. The authorities are taking this incident seriously and are actively pursuing leads to apprehend the individuals responsible for the attempted robbery.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that young people face when walking alone, especially in secluded areas. Parents and guardians are encouraged to educate their children about safety precautions and the importance of being aware of their surroundings at all times. The fact that this attack took place in broad daylight highlights the audacity of the assailants and the need for increased vigilance among the community.

The community in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, is shaken by this incident, and residents are urged to come forward with any information that could assist the police in their investigation. The safety and wellbeing of young people must be a top priority, and incidents like this serve as a wake-up call for everyone to be more vigilant and proactive in reporting suspicious activity. The police are working diligently to identify and apprehend the perpetrators to ensure that justice is served and to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

It is crucial for the public to cooperate with law enforcement and provide any information they have, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Every detail could potentially lead to a breakthrough in the case and help bring the individuals responsible to justice. The young boy who was attacked deserves justice, and the community must rally together to support him and ensure that those responsible for the crime are held accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, the attempted robbery of a 12-year-old boy in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, is a troubling incident that has left the community in shock. The police are actively pursuing leads to identify and apprehend the individuals responsible for the attack. The public is urged to come forward with any information that could assist in the investigation, and parents are reminded to educate their children about safety precautions when walking alone. Together, we can ensure the safety and wellbeing of our young people and prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

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