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Rare 10-carat pink diamond likely to sell for $10 million at auction in New York City



A rare 10-carat pink diamond known as the Eden Rose is set to go up for auction in New York City, with experts estimating that the stunning gem could fetch around $10 million. The diamond, which boasts a beautiful pink hue, is sure to attract attention from collectors and enthusiasts alike due to its rarity and size.

Pink diamonds are highly sought after in the world of gemstones, with their unique color and beauty making them a popular choice for discerning buyers. The Eden Rose, with its 10-carat weight, is particularly rare and is expected to generate significant interest when it goes up for auction.

The auction of the Eden Rose is set to take place in New York City, with collectors and investors from around the world expected to participate in the bidding. The $10 million price tag is a reflection of the diamond’s rarity and quality, with such large pink diamonds rarely hitting the market.

The pink diamond market has seen strong growth in recent years, with prices for rare and high-quality stones soaring to new heights. The Eden Rose is likely to attract attention not only for its beauty but also as a potential investment opportunity for those looking to diversify their portfolios with alternative assets.

Overall, the auction of the 10-carat pink diamond known as the Eden Rose is expected to be a highly anticipated event in the world of gemstones and jewelry. With its rarity, beauty, and size, the diamond is sure to fetch a significant price at auction, making it a valuable and sought-after piece for collectors and investors alike.

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