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Two girls, aged 9 and 11, were shot while playing near a school in Brooklyn. Police are currently looking for the two shooters.



Two girls were shot while playing in a park in Brownsville, Brooklyn, with police believing they were not the intended targets. The incident occurred near P.S. 178 on Dean Street, where six rounds were fired in the direction of the children, hitting a 9-year-old in the leg and an 11-year-old in the back. The girls were taken to Brookdale Hospital and are in stable condition. Detectives are investigating the shooting, with the belief that there were at least two shooters involved, and they are not ruling out a gang-related motive.

The NYPD is actively searching for the suspects involved in the shooting at the park and is seeking information from the public. The incident has drawn attention to the spike in gun violence in the neighborhood, with shootings up 64% compared to the previous year. The recent shooting occurred just one day after a 14-year-old was shot and killed nearby, with his 12-year-old cousin arrested in connection with the case. The community is urged to come forward with any information they may have about the shooting of the two girls.

Authorities are exploring multiple motives for the shooting but are not ruling out gang-related incidents as a possible cause. The increase in gun violence in the neighborhood has raised concerns about the safety of residents, particularly children who are innocent bystanders in these incidents. The NYPD is encouraging anyone with information to contact the Crime Stoppers hotline for tips, which can be done anonymously. The community is urged to work together to help solve these crimes and prevent further incidents of violence in the area.

The news of the shooting has shocked and saddened the community, with many expressing their concerns about the safety of children in the area. The incident has highlighted the need for greater measures to address gun violence and keep neighborhoods safe for residents and families. Police are working diligently to track down the suspects and bring them to justice, while also working to prevent future incidents of violence through community engagement and collaboration.

As the investigation into the shooting continues, the community is urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. The incident serves as a reminder of the need for ongoing efforts to address gun violence and ensure the safety of all residents, especially children who are innocent victims of these senseless crimes. Together, the community can work towards creating safer neighborhoods and preventing further tragedies like the shooting of the two young girls in the park.

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