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Top 11 Face Cleansers for Oily Skin in 2024



Looking for the perfect face cleanser for your oily skin that won’t leave your face feeling stripped and dry? Look no further than the RoC Barrier Renew Gel to Foam Cleanser. This gentle cleanser is ideal for those with oily skin, but is also suitable for those with sensitivity. The formula consistency goes from gel to foam, and contains ceramides and glycerin to leave your skin feeling super soft. This cleanser is non-comedogenic, fragrance-free, and oil-free, and comes in two sizes: 6.76 and 13.52 fl oz.

If you’re looking to even out your skin tone, the Dermalogica Daily Glycolic Cleanser is the perfect choice for you. This face cleanser contains glycolic acid, a chemical exfoliator that can gradually reduce hyperpigmentation. It also contains jojoba seed oil, calendula extract, and allantoin to calm any potential irritation. One SELF editor with an oily T-zone raves about this cleanser, saying it keeps her face looking smooth, bright, and shine-free without leaving her skin feeling parched and flaky. The formula consistency is gel, and it contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid. It comes in sizes of 5.1 and 10 fl oz.

Dealing with oily, acne-prone, and sensitive skin? The Cetaphil Gentle Clear Clarifying Acne Cream Cleanser is the solution for you. This face wash contains salicylic acid to unclog pores, prevent pimples, and reduce the production of excess sebum without drying out the skin. White tea and aloe vera in the formula calm inflammation, so any breakouts or irritation won’t look as angry. This cream cleanser is fragrance-free and comes in a size of 4.2 fl oz. It is non-comedogenic, making it a safe option for acne-prone skin.

Join the many beauty enthusiasts who swear by the Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser. This cleanser has gained a cult following for its gentle texture, subtle scent, and convenient packaging. One SELF editor has been using it for eight years and considers it her holy grail. The Milky Jelly Cleanser is suitable for oily skin types and is formulated to prevent drying out or stripping the skin. It is an ideal choice for those with oily skin who may also experience dry flaky patches in the winter.

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