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Here are my thoughts on training for my first half marathon with the Hoka Skyward X.



The Hoka Skywards are a pair of sneakers that offer a comfortable fit, stunning design, and reliable performance for runners with wide feet. The platform of these shoes measures nearly two inches, making them quite tall, but surprisingly secure once you start running in them. The gradient of pastel colors on the midsole adds a stylish touch that can easily transition from workout to everyday wear.

For those with wide feet, the Hoka Skywards provide a perfect fit in their usual size. The shoes are snug but not cramped, with secure heel placement. However, those with narrow feet may want to consider sizing down. Despite their tall platform, these sneakers offer comfortable cushioning and support. The sturdiness of the shoes provides stability for longer distances, making them a great choice for runners training for marathons or half marathons.

During runs, the Hoka Skywards prove to be reliable in terms of comfort and support. The extra cushioning helps to reduce the impact of each step, preventing pain and aches. The snug fit of the shoes offers the support needed for uphill climbs, making them a valuable asset for challenging terrains. However, the weight of the shoes (9.2 ounces) may be a downside for those looking to increase their speed during runs.

Overall, the Hoka Skywards stand out for their ability to keep the feet pain-free and supported during longer runs. They have been a game-changer for the reviewer, who had previously struggled with running injuries in other sneakers. While they may not be the best option for speed-focused runs, the Hoka Skywards are a reliable choice for marathon and half marathon training. They offer a level of confidence and comfort that can help new runners take on longer distances with ease.

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